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ϟ Welcome. We welcome you to our website, fan club Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy.Here you will find all the information about the actors who starred in the film. Biography of the writer Joan Rowling. ♥♥♥P.S Even here there are more news about the main actors, you can follow any responses to find. "Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home". – J. K. Rowling Возвращаетесь ли вы страницей или широкоформатным фильмом, Хогвартс всегда будет ждать вас обратно домой. J.K.Rowling "There's this group I refer to in private as the "Big seven" and that's Dan, Rupert, Emma, Matt, Evanna, Bonnie and Tom. They do not know how much I love them". J.K. Rowling
Emma Watson: Jo, thank you for writing all these amazing books and - that's it, I've gone! - you're such a role model to me in real life. "I've been Hermione longer than I've been myself". Dan: I don't think the end of the story happens tonight, because each and every person, not only in this square but also watching around the world, who will see this film and who have followed these films over the last ten years, will carry this story with them through the rest of their lives, and it will affect what they do. Emma: Dan, you didn't 'get lucky' - you were and are the perfect Harry and will be forever. Rupert: What you've done for ginger people - i just - cannot put that into words. Thank you, Jo. Emma Watson: I think of her like a sister, she feels so real to me. When people ask what I will miss the most, of course I'll miss the people but I will actually just miss being her and getting to come into work every day and being this girl who lives in this magical world. Hermione Granger. The stories we love best do live in us forever. Закончилась ли вражда Гарри и Драко после смерти Волдеморта? Эмма очень ждала той сцены, где ее героиня дает затрещину Малфою-младшему. Эмма просто не могла дождаться! Однако когда Том предложил ей ударить его, она сделала это с такой силой, что он просто собрал все силы в кулак и ушел. (с) Джоан Роулинг
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